
Guy Aitchison

Guy Aitchison was born in 1968. He is a famous tattoo artist. In 1985, Guy began painting album covers, and started tattooing in 1988. Guy has also released several books before. With his wife, he owns a studio called Hyper Space Studios. His wife, Michele Wortman, is also a tattoo artist and painter. At the age of 21, in 1989, Guy gave Rob Zombie his first tattoo. By age 17, he had already gotten an apprenticeship at Jacklich Corporation in the art department.

Robert Indiana

Robert Indiana has played a central part in the development of assemblage of art, hard-edge painting, and pop art.  Robert has a highly original body of work that explores the identity of America, personal history, and the power of abstraction and language.  This has established an important legacy resonating in the work of many contemporary artists who make the written word their central element. These pieces demonstrate emphasis very well as the letters are giant and three dimensional.  Another thing that is in these pieces is the principle of Harmony.  Each piece of the work seems to fit harmoniously together to make an aesthetically pleasing sculpture.

3-D Printing

Dario Santacroce: An Italian artist who has established his very own sculptural universe.  This world is made up of symbols and archetype of 3-D stone printing as its central metaphor for temporal perception. Neri Oxman: She is an architect, designer, and professor at the MIT Media Lab.  She is known for her 3-D printed artwork combining design, biology, computing, and materials engineering.  Neri Oxman  Neri Oxman Neri Oxman  Dario Santacroce  Dario Santacroce Dario Santacroce

Frank Stella

Frank Stella is an American post war artist.  A painter who uses abstract expressionism in Minimalism work. In the 1980s and '90s, Frank turned away from minimalism.  He turned to a more additive approach, making a series of twisting, monumental, polychromatic metal wall reliefs and sculptures. In Frank's older pieces, the work is much more simple and uses all geometric shapes.  In Frank's newer pieces, the work stands out much more and captures the lookers eyes.  The color choices in his newer pieces use much more vibrant colors.   Frank Stella 2018 Frank Stella 2017 Frank Stella 1973 Frank Stella 1973

Trash Car Superheroes

The general idea of this presentation was to raise recognition for people called catadores .  These are people who go around their towns/cities collecting recyclable materials.  They then bring these materials to a junkyard to sell for low prices.  Mundano, a street artist, took to his graffiti artwork to the Carroças.  Carro ças are carts that are made out of either wood or metal.  He did this because he wanted to raise awareness for the catadores.  Eventually, he began a crowdfunded event called "Pimp My Carro ças."  This is where the catadores are able to get their carro ças renovated, access different types of professionals, and gain protective wear. My personal thoughts on this concept of using art to raise awareness for someone(s)/something(s) is a very positive.  I believe that there are many effective ways for raising awareness for a cause.  I think that visuals such as art is one of the more effective ways.  I believe this bec...

Diptychs and Triptychs

A diptych was originally two paintings that were hinged together.  These were often of religious origins.  When a triptych is applied to photography is when three images are displayed in one photo, or three separately framed images presented very closely together.  This diptych uses variety.  There are a variety of different colors and the I like the rhythm that it has. This triptych has a good example of contrast.  There is contrast between all the different colors.  The colors make each other stand out, and pleases the eye.

Movement In Artwork

An example of a piece of artwork that moves is of the Rube Goldberg contraptions.  The contraptions make one reaction trigger the next one until the final task is completed.