Trash Car Superheroes
The general idea of this presentation was to raise recognition for people called catadores . These are people who go around their towns/cities collecting recyclable materials. They then bring these materials to a junkyard to sell for low prices. Mundano, a street artist, took to his graffiti artwork to the Carroças. Carro ças are carts that are made out of either wood or metal. He did this because he wanted to raise awareness for the catadores. Eventually, he began a crowdfunded event called "Pimp My Carro ças." This is where the catadores are able to get their carro ças renovated, access different types of professionals, and gain protective wear. My personal thoughts on this concept of using art to raise awareness for someone(s)/something(s) is a very positive. I believe that there are many effective ways for raising awareness for a cause. I think that visuals such as art is one of the more effective ways. I believe this bec...