
Showing posts from October, 2018


Inti was born in Valparaiso, Chile in 1982.  He is a muralist who studied at Fine Arts School of  Viña del Mar.  Since age 15, Inti has been interested with street art, especially graffiti.  At first, his art won a space on the streets and buildings of Valparaiso.  Now you can find his work all over the world.  Even in the most unique places such as Lebanon, Norway, Bolivia, Poland, Puerto Rico, France, Canada, and so many more.  The list continues to grow as he constantly travels. I chose this artist because ever since meeting of of my greatest friends, I have developed an interest in street art.  I have also always been very interested in massive art pieces.  The sheer size of Inti's artwork intrigued me.  The only real thing that I was thinking when I saw the images of his work was, "How the heck?!  That must have taken so much spray paint!"  

Penalty Blog 2: Down These Mean Streets: Community And Place In Urban Phototgraphy

'Down These Mean Streets: Community And Place In Urban Photography' is a show held in Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C. exhibits different photographs of urban living conditions.  The work of ten different photographers: Manuel Acevedo, Oscar Castillo, Frank Espada, Anthony Hernandez, Perla de Leon, Hiram Maristany, Ruben Ochoa, John Valadez, Winston Vargas, and Camilo José Vergara, is shown.  The title of the show comes from Piri Thomas's autobiography Down These Mean Streets  (1967).  The autobiography talks about his personal childhood.  The purpose of the photographs is to bring attention to what is wrong with the living conditions.  The spirit of the people is what brings the pictures to life. I chose this specific show because I thought that the perspective in which these artist took their photographs to be very insightful.  They didn't look at these neighborhoods through bystander's eyes.  They took the time to reall...

Penalty Blog: Crowns of Vajra Masters | Ritual Art of Nepal

The show of Crowns of Varja Masters | Ritual Art of Nepal, five crowns are displayed; it is held in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.  The five different crowns are believed to bring the wearers wisdom and knowledge.  They come from the time period of the thirteenth and eighteenth centuries.  The crowns represent the five transcendent Buddhas of awakened wisdom.  The collectors have arranged the crowns in a circular formation.  Surrounding the crowns are paintings and other objects of ritual practices.  When you walk into the darkened exhibit you can feel a sense of sacredness in the space around you. I chose this exhibit because it is out of the ordinary compared to your normal paintings, drawings, collages, and photographs.  They are actual objects that were worn by people from Nepal.  I was fascinated by the period of time that these crowns date to because they come from so long ago.  I also observed that the crowns w...

Blog Nine

  Matthew Cusick was born in New York City in 1970.  He uses maps as paints to create pictures of nature.  He cuts up maps, textbooks, atlases and puts the pieces together to form the image. Sara Drake lives in Western Australia and traveled all throughout her childhood.  She has an obsession with maps and globes.  She studied 3-D art and furniture design.  She said that she didn't learn much except that she is a "technological dinosaur".  Upon leaving college she made animal sculptures and occasionally maps with paper mache as her medium.  Claire Brewster grew up in Lincolnshire and worked in London for nearly 20 years.  She uses old out-dated maps to make bird and flower sculptures.  The inspiration for her work comes from the natural environment.

Miguel Ángel Belinchón

Miguel Ángel Belinchón, also known as "Belin", was born in Linares, Jaén (Spain) on Sept 26, 1979. When Belin was just a child, he became very creative at all times, and everywhere. He went to Jaén high school in Spain. He started to self teach himself by going to libraries, museums, plastic art, and different books. Soon enough he began painting in the streets. He became known for his realism paintings.

Five Pictures of The Person
